Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions...
1. Where can I get an ecocina stove?
They are available here in San Miguel de Allende, GTO Mexico you can email
"Saul Juarez" salper_1@yahoo.com.mx,
"John Doherty" jd98lv@hotmail.com, For more details.

2. how much does an ecocina stove cost here in Mexico?
MXN $500pesos

3. how much does the Ecocina stove weigh?
Approx 40 kgs

4. How much less wood does the Ecocina Stove require than the traditional open fire cooking method?
It depends on the type of wood being burned, & moisture content etc, & we are doing more conclusive testing, but a wood pile that used to last just 1 wk now lasts 1 month.
Information from Stove Team International testing:

The Ecocina is economical to build and operate, saving up to 60% of the wood used by a traditional fire, while also reducing particulate matter and carbon emissions by over 70%. Once the stove is ignited it produces almost no smoke. With the exception of the cooking surface, the Ecocina remains cool to the touch.
After an exhaustive investigation of the cultural and technological factors surrounding open fires, the Ecocina stove was developed by rocket stove inventor Larry Winiarski in collaboration with StoveTeam International.
It's small and portable, enabling it to be easily transported. It's made from readily available local materials requiring only limited tools and training to manufacture.